
Sketchbook pro forums
Sketchbook pro forums

sketchbook pro forums

For users who don’t have those fonts installed you can either declare second/third/fourth choice fonts to attempt to use, or the browser will pick a default font to display.

#Sketchbook pro forums upgrade#

To clarify: if you modify the CSS with the upgrade to specify certain non-standard fonts they will only appear to users who already have the fonts installed on their systems (bundled with a word processor or some other application). The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users) I’d like something that is simple, quite elegant in terms of fonts used and not too big and bulky so the focus is more on the images than anything else. I was wondering if anyone had any experience, suggestions and recommendations as to what the best theme for this sort of art blog would be.

sketchbook pro forums

Some other themes I’ve briefly previewed are Duotone, Modularity Lite, Wu Wei, Oulipo, Twenty Ten, Neutra, Powerpunch, PressRow, Simpla. Right now the theme is “coraline” and I prefer the 2-column aspect of it, but I’m not sure about the wdith and the tab fonts… although I do like the fact that there is space between the top of the page and the header. I really liked the fonts and the way the text showed up it was quite elegant, but I was looking more for a running blog where I can put a load of larger images up with some text. The last couple of days I was playing around with the theme “structure” but the ‘featured image’ wasn’t quite what I’m looking for, it seemed more suitable for an e-zine sort of thing, rather than skethbook/portfolio blog. Basically I’ve been looking for a theme to start my blog, which is to be for my paintings/sketches etc and I’ve been struggling a fair bit.

Sketchbook pro forums